

Training and Instruction for Restructuring Government Portals and Information Websites at HueCIT
8/5/2024 4:19:07 PM
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To provide training and guidance for users and system administrators of units on the functions and processes of the shared platform system for portals and information websites of state administrative agencies, enabling units to implement the restructuring of their portals and information websites. The Department of Information and Communications of Thua Thien Hue organizes training and instruction activities for units performing the task of restructuring the system of portals and information websites of state administrative agencies (according to Decree 42/2022/ND-CP, DTI Index, and ICT-Index).

Accordingly, representatives of leadership and IT officers (or those in charge of information websites) from 162 units, including departments, agencies, district, town, and city People's Committees, and commune, ward, and township People's Committees (each unit with 2 participants), will participate in training at the Thua Thien Hue Information Technology Center (06 Le Loi, Hue City). This is a necessary activity to achieve the goal of 'by 2024, striving for 100% of departments, agencies, district, town, and city People's Committees, and commune-level People's Committees to complete the content on the electronic information portals of state agencies' according to Plan No. 389/KH-UBND dated November 28, 2023, by the Provincial People's Committee on restructuring the system of portals and information websites of state agencies in Thua Thien Hue Province.

HueCIT's modern equipment and facilities make it convenient for organizing and conducting IT-related training and workshops.

Frequently trusted by many agencies and units for computer rental services in Hue, HueCIT currently has a system of practice rooms equipped with high-performance computers, high-speed fiber optic internet, and large-capacity air conditioning systems. Each room accommodates 18-20 computers, ensuring high-quality computer rental services in Hue. Additionally, HueCIT boasts a professional, on-site maintenance team, theoretical rooms, meeting rooms, and a conference hall with a capacity of 100-150 people. The spacious garden area provides parking space of 1,400 square meters in the heart of Hue City, making it very convenient for large-scale or long-term training sessions, as well as for units requiring a large number of computers.

According to the plan, the training and instruction activities for units performing the task of restructuring the system of portals and information websites of state administrative agencies will take place from July 30 to August 8, 2024.

HueCIT/Communication Division
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