

Free Training in 3D Graphics for Virtual Reality Content Development in Hue
7/19/2024 2:40:07 PM
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On the afternoon of July 18, at the Thua Thien Hue Information Technology Center (HueCIT) (06 Le Loi, Hue City), YST Company (South Korea) in collaboration with HueCIT held the opening ceremony for a free 3D graphics course in virtual reality content development. This activity is part of the cooperation between the two entities, aimed at fostering specialized talent and training in the application of software for virtual reality content development to meet the demand for the 3D graphics workforce of YST Company (South Korea).
Ms. Park Eunjung, Director of YST Co., Ltd. - Vietnam Branch, shares information about the company's demand for 3D graphics workforce
Ms. Park Eunjung, Director of YST Co., Ltd. - Vietnam Branch, shares information about the company's demand for 3D graphics workforce

After HueCIT conducted promotion, recruitment, and selection of suitable trainees, the current course has 30 participants.

At the opening ceremony, Ms. Park Eunjung, Director of YST Vietnam Branch, introduced the trainees to YST Company (South Korea), the company's development orientation in the Vietnam branch in general, and specifically in the Hue market. She outlined the technological and technical requirements, giving the trainees additional study direction.

Overview of the 3D Graphics Training Course Opening Ceremony for Virtual Reality Content Development at HueCIT

Before this, YST South Korea had conducted meetings and site visits. It highly praised HueCIT's computer system for its powerful configuration, high-speed Internet connection, and fully installed software for teaching 3D Max and ZBrush graphics programs. They also commended the modern, spacious, and comfortable teaching and learning environment, which meets the company's training needs.

Trainees Participate in Free Training Funded by YST South Korea

According to the program framework, the 3D Max and ZBrush graphics training course at HueCIT aims to provide specialized training in 3D graphics for virtual reality content development. The goal is to recruit interns and employees for YST Company of South Korea. With the collaboration and financial sponsorship of YST Co., Ltd. (South Korea), trainees can participate in the course free of charge.

Selected trainees will participate in a 4.5-month course. The first two months will be taught by HueCIT instructors. After this period, the top four trainees will be chosen to continue with a 2.5-month training conducted by South Korean instructors. The top two trainees will then have the opportunity to work at the YST Vietnam branch, a 3D graphics company from South Korea. The training program is expected to run until November 2024.

HueCIT/ Communication Division
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